Part VII: Slavery Understanding this part -- after the others -- is not difficult, and it  is  very  necessary.  The  problem  with  us  is  that we do not understand  that  when the old Israelites asked God for a King, they were  really  asking  for  slavery, and slavery has been the natural state of man ever since. It  does not matter if you wear your chains openly, or partly hidden as they are today in America. The condition exists nevertheless, any time  you  can  be called into military "service" at the whim of the state  or  if any part of your property can be seized at the whim of the  same  government  or  of any of its agents. That is part of the privilege  of  the  King,  that  he  may  make  ANY  law he pleases, including  that  law  that  takes  your  property, or your life. The King’s  privilege  includes  the  ownership  of  EVERYTHING  in  the Kingdom, including you. Welcome to "Amerika." WHAT IS MONEY? Money;  In  usual  and ordinary acceptation it means coins and paper currency  used  as  circulating  medium  of  exchange,  and does not embrace  notes,  bonds, evidences of debt, or other personal or real estate. Lane v. Railey, 280 Ky. 319, 133 S. W.2d 74, 79, 81. The  complete  lack of understanding concerning money, that I see in my  fellow  Americans,  has astonished me to no end. Of course, that astonishment  was years ago when I had first begun my studies. Since then,  I  have  been equally astonished at my naiveté in considering that other Americans were lacking in understanding. My own ignorance became  the driving force for my learning, and that must be anyone's first  concern.  Only  study, and knowing that each of us has a long way  to  go  in order to really understand, pierces the conditioning and  programming  that we have all been subjected to. Most Americans accept  that which they are told very readily; this acceptance makes Americans  very  susceptible to conditioning and to programming. Why do you think they call television "programming?" The above explanation of money was taken from Black's Law Dictionary (6th  edition).  It  has little or no relationship to the Truth, but then,  hardly  anything  in  Black's  actually  does.  To understand Black's,   a  person  must  study  for  a  long  time,  because  the definitions  given in Black's are all for very specific reasons. Few of  those  reasons  have  anything to do with Truth; they are simply there  to  serve the purposes of the men (the International Bankers) who derive a benefit from the use of the private system of statutory (private,  contract law for public purposes) law (using the banker’s enforcement  surrogates  of  the  American  Bar  Association), which covers  up  the  Babylonian  Monetary System (that's what the "money system" actually is) of the Federal Reserve System. (A side note: BAR, to the best of our understanding at this time, is British  Accreditation Regency; undoubtedly a private stock company, the  majority  of  which  is  owned  by  the Bank of England and the "Crown" of the ‘the City’ of London.) For instance, in the above definition it says: In usual and ordinary acceptation...  What  does  this  mean?  It  means  that this is not necessarily the truth, it's just what everybody accepts as a belief. What  is  a  belief?  A  belief  is something not based on fact, but accepted  without  proof being offered. It is something accepted "on faith,"  so  any "belief" can be attributed to religious principles. Think  about  this very carefully anytime you make a silly statement such as, "I believe in the government!’" In  the  above quoted definition, Black's also mentions real estate, but if you do not understand the term "real estate," you have no way of seeing what it is that "they" are referring to. Real estate comes from  the  word  "Realty,"  and  English  land law is based upon the ownership  of all realty by the Sovereign, i.e., the King, under the King's Allodium. Thus from the "Crown", all titles flow (the "Crown" is  separate  and  distinct from the King, and comprises, generally, all those whose interest it is to keep the current King in power for their own benefit. Today, the "Crown" in England specifically refers to  the bankers of "the City" of London). Under this system of "real estate,"  the  title  to  land  is  held  in the form of "fee simple absolute"  (sound  familiar?).  In  modern  English  tenures  (i.e., tenant),  the  term "fee" signifies an inheritable estate, being the highest and most extensive interest anyone -- other than the King -- could have in the feudal system. (A  side  note:  to  continue  we must understand the word system; a system  is  an  artificial  creation  of  the  few, designed for the express  purpose  of  benefiting the same few, at the expense of the many. A few examples are; government (not established under The True God’s  Law);  church  (not  established  under  The True God’s Law); religion  (not  established under The True God’s Law); etc. The only way  a  system  works  as  the  few  design it is, when the many are programmed to think it benefits them. Think about this carefully and think  of  Part VI, and what is written there concerning the FED, as you  continue  to  learn  about  and  understand  the true nature of "credit.") "Simple"  means  that  you  may transfer/pass on your estate without restraint,  as  long  as  your heirs stay in favor with the King and maintain the tribute payments when due! "Absolute"     merely  denotes  that  the  entire  estate  could  be transferred,  assigned  or  passed  to  heirs. "Fee Simple Absolute" designates  mere  user  privilege  on  the land (i.e., real estate), subject to the King's Allodium. Allodium means ownership in your own Right, without owing any rents (property tax), tribute or service to any  master.  This  also  means  that  there is no substance to Real Estate  because  there  is  no  ownership  -- only the interest of a tenant. To  really  understand what I am getting at, it is very necessary to know where your so-called property tax (as well as all other "state" taxes)  is  actually  going and who is benefiting from the same. All taxes  collected by the "State of," or the "County of," or the "City of"  corporate franchises of the federal corporate state are subject to  having  a certain percentage of the said taxes taken before they are  allocated  for  local  uses.  This  is  to  pay  the "State of" franchise  tax  on the federal corporate bankruptcy. Simply obtain a copy  of the Comptroller’s Report to the Governor of your respective "State of" and examine the "trust funds" being paid into, from every taxing authority in the state. Ask some pointed questions concerning these  trust  funds  and  why  payments  are  made  into them before accountability is required at the state level. Good luck! It is also interesting  to  note  here  that  ALL  taxes  are  under  Admiralty jurisdiction. Remember,  there  are  no  "state  taxes"  when  the "State of" is a federal  franchise. ALL taxes today are federal in nature and derive under  contract  from  and  through  the UCC, and are levied against privileges extended by the god-state (faith, anyone?). Substance  can  only  be  determined  by that which is left when all privileges    are  removed.  If  your  ownership  is  determined  by privilege,  and  not  by  Right,  then  there is no substance to the ownership, and if the county can move you out for the failure to pay your  "property  tax,"  then  --  by definition -- your ownership is through  the state’s privilege and not by the Rights detailed in the Declaration of Independence. After  all  privileges have been removed, what you have left is what you own. If there is nothing left, you own nothing, and have arrived at           the           perfect           description          of socialism/communism/democracy/capitalism/Judaism! But  I  will  guarantee  to you that you are not going to learn this type  of  detail  by  studying  Black's  Law Dictionary! (It is very important to note here that Black's Law Dictionary, 6th Edition, has a  TABLE  OF  BRITISH  REGNAL  YEARS  on page 1657. No United States Presidents  are  listed  in  the book. This is a clear message as to where  Black's  Law Dictionary originates.) And, if we are not going to learn these important details from Black's, then where do we turn for the Truth? Unfortunately,  there is no simple answer for that question. Most of what  we  need  to  know is scattered over many books and texts, and some of it has yet to be rediscovered. Many of the details about the Law  in  this nation(s) have been carefully hidden away, or obscured by years of deliberate lies and half-truths (which by definition are lies).  The  one  place we can turn to for answers is Scripture, but most  no  longer  believe  that, and those who do believe it have so little  basic  understanding  or education that most of Scripture is unfathomable. The  details  concerning  money  are  some  of  the  most  carefully concealed  subjects  in  the  world, for if the American People were ever  to begin to understand this subject thoroughly, the ability of the  bankers  to  prey  upon  them  would end overnight! That is how important  this subject is, because it is only through understanding how  the  banker's  Predation  is  done, and the real intent of that Predation  (the actual, physical claim of ownership of the people of the  nation),  that  enough  understanding  comes forth to break the years of conditioning by the Predators upon We the People. So, that said, just what the heck is money? A  medium  of  exchange,  right?  I  mean,  how complicated can this subject be?! Well,  yes,  the accepted explanation is that "money" is a medium of exchange. But to really understand whether that is the truth or not, we  simply  need  to look at the definition in Black's. That is what "they" say, so just for starters, I would mistrust that explanation, since  anything  in Black's serves the banker's purposes or it would not  be  there!  And,  if  it  serves the banker's purposes, then it probably does not serve the People's purposes. Yes,  "money"  does serve as a medium of exchange, but that does not explain  what  "money"  is.  It simply tells us the use of money. An object's  use is not the definition of that object! And, if they are not  giving us the true and complete definition, is it possible that there is a reason for such an omission? So, if "money" is not just a medium of exchange, then is it gold and silver? That is what the Constitution says, that no State shall make Anything  but  gold  and silver a payment in tender of debt. So does that say that gold and silver are money? Yes, gold and silver can be used  as  "money",  as tender in payment of debt, but does that mean that they ARE money? No -- gold and silver simply fulfill the command in the Bible that a man  must  be  paid in substance for his labor. And, gold and silver are  a  compact  and  valuable  substance  with  which  to heed this command.  But  according  to my understanding, any substance, agreed upon  by  both  parties, could be used as the substance to pay a man for  his  labor.  Never  doubt  for  a  single moment that Pay is an exacting Command. So  what  is  the secret? What is money? Why are we commanded, under Biblical Law, to use substance to pay a man for his labor? Because "money," as we understand gold and silver to be, is simply a substance used to compress time. That is actually what "money" is -- compressed  time.  Therefore, money IS time in a very literal sense. We  have all been told this in a business sense, that time is money, but  we  have  ignored  the absolute truth buried in that "figure of speech." Anyone,  no  matter  what  the  level of his skill or his knowledge, trades his time as a means to sustain life. He can grow a garden and build his own shelter, or he can labor for someone else and take his PAY to exchange for food and shelter, but it is the time he spends - -  the  time  which  is  a gift from his and our Creator -- which he expends  in  sustaining  his  life, and the lives of those dependent upon him. What we call money is simply a storage unit for time wherein time is compressed for storage so that it may be converted for a later, more convenient use or at a different location. For  instance,  when  you hire a man (you actually hire his time) to till  your  field,  the  man  consumes a portion of the time that is allotted  to him upon this earth, in the performance of your labors. When his labor for you is completed, he arrives in your presence for payment  (tender in payment of debt; your labor performed, your debt in  time  for his time; how did you obtain the "money" with which to pay  him?).  Payment  may  be  arranged in a number of ways -- food, clothing, shelter, or some other substance. Gold and silver have for many  thousands  of  years  been  that other substance. And when you place  those  silver or gold coins into that laborer's hands, he has literally taken the time spent in your fields and compressed it into those  coins.  Just  as  you  took  the  time  spent in managing the fields/farm, doing the planting, harvesting, and/or performing other labor  to  obtain those gold or silver coins in your own Right, as a means of storing your own Time. At  some point in the future, when your laborer has need of his time to  be  exchanged for food, shelter, clothing or any other item that he  needs  or desires, he will take that stored time and transfer it out  of those coins, by expending them. The time that he had labored in your fields is thus used to fulfill his needs, whether it is done tomorrow,  next week, next month or several years down the road. The point  is, his time was safe, as long as it was stored for his later use  in  some form of substance, ready for him to spend that time at his convenience. Let  us  place  you in a similar situation. You go down to the store and  purchase food. What did you use to PAY for the food -- "money?" From  where  did you obtain the "money," -- from your PAY check? How did  you  earn the PAY check? You received the PAY check because you labored  last week working for your "employer," and he was obligated to  PAY  you for that time consumed (something consumed can never be replaced).  And  that  "money," for which you consumed your time, is where the "money" came from to purchase your food, so in a very real sense,  you  have literally spent your time in exchange for the food you and your family need to sustain life, and for your shelter, your transportation,  every  need  and  luxury  item  you  own along with anything  else  in  your possession -- provided, of course, that you did not steal, as bankers do, what is in your possession! And for this reason, there is a point-of-fact that must be mentioned here.  Namely, Federal Reserve Notes, when obtained by a man through the  performance  of labor, thus by the expenditure of his Time, ARE lawful money. And it is only through the control of "our" tribunals- called-courts  by the American Bar Association that the jurisdiction claimed  over Americans by the owners of the Federal Reserve for the privilege  of  using  Federal  Reserve Notes can be maintained. (The claim  is  that this jurisdiction comes about through the Common Law declaration    of  bankruptcy  in  1928  of  the  corporate  federal government  in  an  international  tribunal  by  which  you, through contractual  obligations  acquired voluntarily through licenses, and other  privileges  [such  as  Social  Security]  you  have agreed to participate  in.  Of  course,  without full disclosure, the fraud is self-apparent.) (A  side note: the owners of the Federal Reserve, in their excessive greed,  have,  through  law (statutory codes) acquired a monopoly on the  exchange  unit  in America. This monopoly is called the Federal Reserve note. Because of this monopoly, and no one having any choice in  what  they  use  today,  the  use  of  Federal Reserve notes, as bankruptcy script of the United States government, under common law, becomes  in  the  nature of a gift. Unfortunately, arguing this in a federal  tribunal is a waste of valuable breath. By the way, Federal Reserve notes are obligations of the UNITED STATES under the Brenton Woods  agreement  of  1947,  and  are based on SDRs (Special Drawing Rights [under bankruptcy]) according to the international bankruptcy of the corporate UNITED STATES.) How  free or how equal, can any man be when he must consume his time to  earn  the  necessities  of  life,  compared  to  the  man who is privileged,  by fear/force of government, to create the exchangeable storage  unit  of  Time  out-of-thin-air?  The  Privilege,  which is ordained  by  statute, to create from nothing, an exchange unit with which  to  steal the Time of the citizens of the nation, creates the bondage  of  men,  which is simply the owning of the labor (Time) of men.  That  is all this or any bondage is -- the owning of the labor (Time)  of  a  man.  No  matter what name the bondage is done under, i.e., slave, resident, serf, or peon -- bondage is simply control of the time that a man must consume in order to survive. It  is a Maxim of Law that from nothing comes nothing. When a banker creates  from  nothing  the  exchange  unit  with which to steal the labor/Time of the residents of his town, that is exactly what he has created  --  nothing. Man can only create NOTHING! Man does not have the  power  of  God!  And  from  that  "nothing,"  flows only waste, despair,  grief,  slavery,  and virtually every ill that stalks this once great land. Almost  EVERY ill effect! From this perversion of Law comes the vast majority of all divorces, all bankruptcies, the vast majority of the homeless  and the poor, our nation's slums, the ecological damage to our  nation  and  planet, and the hand to mouth existence of most of the  bonded  servants of this nation's "banks". This is what creates the  stress,  the  hopelessness,  the  drug  addiction as a means of escaping  a hopeless existence, and the overwhelmingly large portion of  our  crime  problem;  as people -- who deserve better -- turn to crime  as  the  only means of bettering themselves in a system which does  not  permit  any  other  way  of  actually  getting  ahead. As Scripture says, the root of ALL evil is the LOVE of money. How safe is your Time, stored in the private paper of these bankers? How  safe  is  your  family  when the coming cashless society of the bankers puts every minute of your Time into their complete oversight and  control? Think about that because every time you use one of the banker's private debt instruments (credit/debit cards), you put your stamp  of approval upon the banker’s plans to reduce you to complete servitude through their complete control of your stored Time! And  yes, we will always call gold and silver "money", but that does not change the real nature of money. There is nothing that a Man has to spend/consume upon this earth, except his Time. We come into this life  naked,  with only Time on our hands, and we will leave here in the  same manner. No matter what you think you may have accomplished or  accumulated on this earth, you still will have spent nothing but Time,  because  everything  else  you  may have owned, "consumed" or possessed upon this Earth is still here after you have left, even if in  a  different form from when you first touched it! The only thing you  can  actually "consume," that you can completely use up on this earth, is Time. This  also  exposes  one  of  the  bigger  lies  that  our so-called ministers have been telling to us for so many years. Think about it. How  many times have you been told that you are born into this world with nothing? This is a bold-faced lie, because you are presented at conception with the greatest of all gifts by our Creator -- the gift of  Time.  It  is how you elect to spend this gift of time that will make  the  difference  in how you spend the next 10,000 years! (Read Revelations; being rewarded, or in a lake of fire.) How  you  spend  this gift of Time will determine how you leave this earth.  And  no,  you  do not leave this earth with nothing, for you leave  with  either  condemnation  or salvation (and don’t bother to argue  with  me  about it! For if I am right, then you lose for your ignorance,  and  if  you  are  right,  you  still  lose because your existence  ceases  at  death.  I’d  rather  not be faced with such a stupid  approach, particularly since Scripture is so easily provable to a dedicated seeker of Truth.) The  other  Truth that is revealed to us by understanding Time is in the  Scripture  that tells us that "the root of all evil is the love of  money," -- not some evil, not even most evil -- ALL evil! But to understand what is meant, you have to understand that Time is money, and  that  what  is  meant is the love of human bondage for personal benefit, always through force, fraud and deceit. And always, so that the  few can live idly at the expense of their fellow man, producing nothing. And  if  a  Man  is Lawful, there is virtually no chance that he can accumulate  the immense stores of time that constitute being "rich," just  by  spending his own Time doing so. Can he be well off -- very comfortable  --  yes,  because  an  industrious,  righteous  man  is rewarded  in  this  life,  just  as a willing violator of the Law is sanctioned  in  this  life! (If you do not understand this, then you should  study  the  dietary  Laws  of  the Bible, and then study the causes  of  most  diseases.  Disease IS a sanction of The True God’s Law, for disobedience of His Word.) Therefore, in order to accumulate vast amounts of stored Time, a man must  -- to be very rich -- prey upon other Men and steal their Time for  his  own personal gain. (There are exceptions to this, but very few.  A  few  men have found immense wealth, such as gold, silver or diamond  mines,  which  are  not  the Lawful property of the People. Almost  all natural resources ARE the Lawful property of the People, to  be  shared equally.) Perhaps the parable in the Bible that tells us that a rich man has so little chance of going to heaven now makes more sense. Understanding these subjects and finally knowing the true meaning of real  estate  explains  to  you why Black's Law Dictionary says that real  estate is not "money." Because "real estate" is solely a "mere user" privilege of the realty and there can be no ownership, thus no substance, involved. To Store Time... Throughout recorded history, many types of substances have been used to  store  time.  Almost  all  of them have been found to be lacking after  their  use has been tried for a period of time. For instance, some of the forms of substance that have been used as money are: sea shells  [break,  too  easily  found],  silk  [perishable, too easily controlled by a few], grain [perishable], rocks of different size or shape  [bulky,  not  easily  transported  or safely stored] and even human beings [care and feeding of]. Besides these few examples, dozens more types of substance have been tried.  None  worked  as  well  as gold and silver. This weeding-out process  took  thousands  of years, until today, gold and silver are recognized  by  those  "in  the know" as the most acceptable storage unit  for  Time  ("money").  To  understand this, simply examine the complete  absorption  of  the bankers in their never ending quest to collect  every scrap of gold and silver they can lay their hands on, despite their claims that "our paper is as good as gold." Once  the  bankers control all, or at least a great majority, of the available  gold  and  silver  "storage units," then it is simple for them  to  substitute their "exchange medium" (debt instruments) into the economy. Why  --  because it is through the substitution of debt instruments, in  the  place of substance, into the economy as "storage units" for the  Time  of  the  People  that they steal or devalue the Time, the money,  of  the  people  of every nation that they control. They can accomplish  this  without the outward trappings of slavery (guns and chains), but it is slavery none the less. And, do not be lulled into a  false sense of security, because as the wealth is concentrated in fewer  and  fewer hands, the chains and the guns become more readily used as the power of the few grows. What is Inflation? Is  inflation  increasing prices -- of course not! Increasing prices are  simply  a symptom of the problem, but they are not the problem. Inflation  is  the  term  used  by  the  bankers to conceal the real process  of "inflation" which is the devaluation of the storage unit used  as  the  exchangeable  medium of the Time of the People of the nation.  Inflation is simply the process through which the Time (the life  force) of the People is appropriated by the privileged few for their  own  personal  benefit  and gain. The most important fact is, firstly,  that  the  bankers  must keep this process secret for fear that the people will awaken to what is going on and hang the bankers --  which is exactly what has happened many, many times in the past. Never  doubt  for  a  single  moment  that inflation does not exist, except  through  a  definable  and  specific  plan  of action. It is deliberate! Understanding  the  real nature of money also explains why so-called equality  can  never exist. Some men can justify the Time they spend at an exchange rate of $5.00 per hour/day; others can easily justify double,  triple  or ten times this amount because of their increased productivity in sustaining lives through their labor. A man who must spend  his  Time  irrigating  is  not  as valuable, nor should he be rewarded  as  much  as  the man who tills and plants or harvests the food,  or  the  man  who builds the shelters or levels the roadways, etc.  (I  hope  I  do  not  have  to  explain  here  that  a lawyer, politician,  judge,  military  man  and their ilk have no productive capacity  so  there  is no basis for any wage PAID to them. They are simply  parasites  scrabbling  for  the  scraps of the productive in society.  Unfortunately, we permit them to write or to enforce laws, which enable their scraps to become quite impressive.) On  the  other  hand,  because  of the control of our society by the bankers,  many  dislocations exist in our nation. Corporations are a very  good  example.  Corporations  exist  only  to  take control of immense  wealth by the self-styled Elite, and to enable them to hide that  control from the common man. This also explains how control of our  major media is so carefully concealed in just a few hands. Wall Street, and the so-called stock market, simply should not and do not exist!  They  are a fiction we have been carefully programmed to see in  our  minds  for  the  benefit  of  a  few at the cost of many (a ‘system’). And,  as  long  as  we  think  they do exist, the predatory actions, "Predation,"  upon  the  people  of  the world will continue for the benefit  of  the  few  at  the  expense  of  the  many  -- in direct opposition  to  the Law. Wall Street and corporations are just tools to  steal  the  nation(s)  from  the  people  who create and sustain civilization.  I  mean,  come  on!  How  much  sense  is required to understand  that  no  "government"  has  the  "right" to "create" an "artificial  being,"  [i.e.,  a  fiction,  a  nothing] with the same Rights  as  a  Man.  This  is what governments do when they "create" corporations  --  they  literally  attempt to act as a "god!" Decide this  day,  which  God you wish to serve -- the "god-state", or your Creator,  and His Law. And do not tell me about how we are not under the  Law,  because you are either under His Law (about 728 of them), or  the  god-state’s  laws  and statutes (about how many millions of pages worth?). The  general principal of the creation of the god-state's artificial beings  revolves  around  and is in complete opposition of Christian Law through limited liability, which is the controlling principle of corporations.  (For  some  interesting  research, study incorporated churches.)  They are intended to take the responsibility for illegal acts  by  the  true  owners of the property and therefore stand as a buffer  against  the  Law.  The  single  most  important  aspect  of Christian Law is personal responsibility, but that is absolutely not acceptable  by  the  internationalists  and their minions. When they break the Law, they want protection from the fruits of their actions on  this earth, which is why they teach and believe that there is no greater  power  than  them, which will hold them accountable at some point  in  time.  So be it, and may The One True God have mercy upon them. And the other purpose of the corporations is to hide from the People the true identity of exactly who has stolen all of the wealth of the nation  through  fractional  reserve banking (artificial creation of debt instruments by the bankers). Do you doubt this? Go down to the nearest mall and just walk through the  place. Look at each business, and ask yourself how many of them are  owned locally. Not very many of them, IF any are. Most of those stores  are owned by large corporations, most of them multi-national in  outlook  and  scope,  and  the  People  who  once  benefited  as entrepreneurs  --  by owning small businesses in America -- are left with  no  choice  but  to  work  --  at  very low wages -- for those corporations.  Those corporations have no concern for America or for her People. Take  a  close  look at where the vast majority of the goods sold in those  stores  come  from  and  you  will  quickly  learn  where the industrial  base  of  America has gone. Of course, I understand that this  is  just an accident -- there could be no identifiable plan of action.  As  your standard of living in America, and as the standard of  living  of  your  children  continues to drop, just keep telling yourself  that.  I  assure you, the media (owned by the same men who own  all  of  the  other corporations) will continue to explain this "accident"  to  you  in ever-exhaustive detail. Primarily, the media will concentrate on our "inability" to handle "debt." Those  corporations  have  another  privilege  not  extended  to the average  American.  They  are  greatly  benefited  by a "bank" (many directly  owned  by  a bank) through very easily created "credit" at very low Usury. Generally, you will find that these corporations are part  of  a  business  association  where  a  bank  and  the various businesses  around the bank are owned by the same people. This makes it virtually impossible for the average man to compete with them and their "creation of the medium of exchange" from nothing. This is why a real understanding of "fractional reserve banking" is necessary if you  are  to  understand  what  is going on around you. Any of those "businesses" in an "association" with a bank, both owned by the same people,  simply  keeps  it’s  "deposits"  (all  "deposits"  are  the property  of  the  bank  -- this means that they can "fractionalize" them)  at  the "friendly bank" so the bank can multiply the deposits six to ten times from thin air! Once  you  understand how fractional reserve banking works for those "in  the  know,"  Walmart and the other retailing giants make sense. How  do  you  compete  with  someone  who  has  the  "privilege"  of multiplying  his  daily  receipts  by  six  to  ten  times  with  no additional   expense  involved?  Now  you  understand  why  so  many businesses   and  corporations  are  owned  by  so  few,  super-rich individuals, why the gap between the rich and the poor keeps getting larger,  and  where  the middle class is going. Only those who serve the  Elite  will  comprise the "middle class" in the future -- i.e., attorneys,  judges,  doctors,  politicians,  the military hierarchy, etc. Understanding the "privilege" of corporation also explains why those artificial  privileges  of  government (corporations) are subject to the  so-called Income Tax and Man is not. (Man must contract for the income  tax.)  Corporations  are  the creations of government and as such   are  controlled/owned  by  government.  (There  is  only  ONE corporation  in  America.  All corporations flow from the same Crown charter which "created" the federal corporation in 1871 [see Federal Corporation  as  defined  at  28  USC 3002]). Thus, corporations are subject   to  the  whims  and  desires  of  those  who  control  the government. This  is also why the "government" must view Man only in a fictional corporate  capacity,  i.e.,  their  "corporate  shadow," in order to justify  and  legitimize  jurisdiction/ownership. (Jurisdiction IS a claim  of  ownership/interest). (In other places this fiction is not necessary,  but  in  America  the "government" can only control that which  it  creates, as in corporations. Once you begin to understand the  problems created for the Elite in America by the restriction of the  Declaration of Independence, the push for a convention to alter the Constitution becomes understandable.) This  "view"  of  Man is taken at the highest levels of "government" and  carefully  concealed  from the masses, and from those who serve the masters of government. To reveal this view, and the real meaning (ownership  of  the  People)  of  the view is to expose the lies and deceit  practiced by the self-styled Elite, and this exposure always puts the Elite at grave risk -- and with good reason! The Real Issue ... I hope that you are beginning to see the real issue, which is simply the  protection  of the Time of the People of ANY nation. Protection of  their  Time  against  the  depredations  of criminals that style themselves  as  bankers  and/or politicians -- when they are nothing but  enslavers  of  Man  for  their  own  personal gain. And that is exactly  what we are talking about; enslavement by stealing Time for the  gain  of  very animalistic humans and their controlled imps. To accomplish  this,  the  hidden  master must have a physical claim of ownership  of  those  under his control. That claim is hidden within the statement of jurisdiction. Slavery  is  a  very  simple  subject.  It  simply  means  that your owner/master  will  be fed first from the fruit of your labors/Time. Slavery  does  not  even have to be an openly acknowledged state-of- affairs  so  long  as  the  actions taken result in the owner/master being  fed  first.  Inflation  (the  deliberate  destruction  of the storage  unit  of  the  people's Time), is the most obvious of these crimes.  However,  it  is  not the only one. Reducing the people, as Roosevelt did in 1933, without their knowledge or consent, to a mere user  status  on  the  land;  mere  user of their cars, mere user of anything possessed, under Socialism/Communism/ Democracy. (See  Senate  Document  43,  "Contracts  payable in Gold" written in 1933: "The  ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called  ownership  is  only  by  virtue of government, i.e., law, amounting  to  mere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate  to  the necessities of the State." This is still on the books; still in force and effect today.) This  "mere  user  status"  which  is  hidden  behind  the lies of a Constitutional  Dictatorship  for  the benefit of the money kings is another, much more obvious type of slavery. Slavery IS the owning of the  fruits  of  the  time  spent/consumed by Human Beings upon this earth!  And,  make  no mistake about the above Senate Document 43 -- what  it  simply  says is that the "government" has the right to tax anything  and  everything  because the "government" owns everything, and  that  the  government  has the right to deny the "privilege" of "ownership/use"  to  anyone who is deemed to be a threat to those in power. The  third  and  most  blatant  claim of ownership of the Man, after inflation  and the forced reduction of their status, is the creation of a "fictitious debt" by claiming the "privilege" -- always through bribery  and corruption -- of charging interest, or -- to understand a  little  better  -- to charge Usury upon the medium of exchange of time  permitted  to  flow  through  the  economy. It is only through control  of  this,  that  the  bankers  can work their inflation AND taxation tools against the people in order to steal from them to the extent that the banker's greed finds necessary. Just  as ALL depressions and recessions are deliberate in nature and exist  only  for  the  gain of those with the power to arrange them. Recessions and depressions do not occur naturally! It is impossible! Recessions  and  depressions can only occur because the storage unit (medium  of  exchange)  for  the  Time of the people is missing in a complicated society where barter is not a viable option. People want to  create  -- to work and produce. People want to eat and enjoy the tremendous benefits of this earth. They do not willingly quit eating or working unless some outside force prevents them from doing so. This  is  why  the real treason being committed in this nation(s) is extending  the  privilege  of "creating" the supply of the medium of exchange to a few criminals. Namely the Rockefeller (red fellow) and the  Rothschilds  (red shield) banking cartels (systems). And if you think  that  the use by the Communists of the color red (the British Redcoats are another example) is just an accident, then you have not yet  seen  the  situation  clearly  or  deeply  enough.  I  strongly recommend  that  you  read  the book by Eustace Mullins entitled The Curse of Canaan so that you may better understand. DIRECT TAXATION What is DIRECT taxation? It is the taking, or the actual theft, of a man's  Time  from  him  by  force, police or military powers, of the government.  This  can  not  be  accomplished without an interest of ownership being established in the laws of the nation, which clearly demonstrates  that  the  state has a claim against the Time of a Man (see Invisible Contracts by George Mercier). A claim against a Man's Time  is  a physical claim of ownership. And if you are still paying the  so-called Income Tax, understand why you are being taxed by the federal  state. They CLAIM ownership of you, and you willingly agree and  contract  with  them!  Their  "brand" is the contractual Social Security number. What  is  a "government?" It is a mindless beast, an illusion, which exists  only  in  our minds and whose minions do that which they are directed  to  do. "Government" does not exist in the physical sense. It  must  be  given  force  and  effect  by  men.  Only two forms of government  have ever existed! They are (A) Dictatorship of man over other  men  for the benefit of a privileged few, or (B) a government "of the People, by the People, and for the People" under the Laws of The  One  True  God. The (B) "government" can not exist except under the Law of the Creator! (Do you want to talk about Grace now?) Man’s  law,  which  must,  by  our nature, always result in type (A) ‘government’,  is  always written to exact some benefit from another man  for the benefit of a few (see system). Never, in the history of the earth, has any law been written by man that did not cost another man  some  part of his substance and/or freedom. God’s Law -- on the other  hand -- is and was written to protect Man -- principally from himself  --  but  also from other men. How much sense, then, does it make to state that we are not under THE Law? Power broadly spread: Power concentrated: We, the People The United States Government the united States, as agents of the People Human Resources Note  the  exact  opposite nature of the two systems. The pyramid is the favorite symbol of the self-styled elite for a good reason. In  a  Lawful  government "of the People, by the People, and for the People,"  the  government  has  no  jurisdiction  over  Man,  and is strictly controlled by the Law. The only reason for the government's existence (under God’s Law) is to protect the nation and the People, and  to enforce the Law. Constitutions (We, the People thought) were intended   to   be   instruments   of   Common   Law  procedure. The constitutions (state and federal) are supposedly strict restrictions on  the  actions  of  those  who  volunteer  to  serve the People in government;  the constitutions DO NOT apply to the People! (Case law exists  to  show  this.)  It  is only through extending jurisdiction (ownership)  over  Man  through  contracts  that  the second type of government  --  a  government  for  the  privilege of the few at the expense  of the many -- can be established. However, this statement, "through  contracts,"  is  only  true  in  America  because  of  the Declaration  of  Independence.  All  other  governments of the earth assume  full  jurisdiction  over their people, and will enforce that jurisdiction at the point of a gun. The  jurisdiction  claim  of government is the claim of ownership of the  time  spent/consumed  by  the people of any nation. This is the general  power  exercised by all the governments of the earth -- for the  benefit  of  the few at the expense of the many -- formed under the  laws  of  man.  That is all governments -- including the United States government. This  ownership  benefit  is  accomplished  by  and through the term taxation.  This  is the reason that a heavy, graduated income tax, a direct  tax,  is  one of the planks of the Communist Manifesto -- to appropriate  (steal) the wealth of a people/nation and transfer that wealth  to a privileged few -- sound familiar? No Lawful government, which  represents  the People, can ever tax the people directly, for that IS a claim of ownership -- ownership of the Time spent/consumed by  the  People. Think about this -- a government "of the People, by the  People  and for the People," is an agent of the People, and the People are the principal. How can an agent tax the principal!? All  direct  taxation  is a claim of ownership. This is not only the so-called  Income  Tax,  but  property tax, which is a direct tax on real  estate;  a  county or state tax on a motor vehicle, which is a direct tax on the vehicle; even a drivers license, which is a direct tax  on the privilege to travel. All such taxes are direct claims of ownership by the state to the benefit of those who control the state and are simply methods of redistributing wealth in the only way that it  has  ever,  throughout history, been redistributed: upwards from the People to the self-styled, corrupt Elite. To  take  from  one  man's  Time  and  give  that Time to another is prohibited  under  a Lawful government. It is only a government that exists  to  prey  upon  Man  for  the  benefit  of  others that this Predation can occur. This is the lie of Democracy -- that Man's Time can  be Lawfully appropriated/stolen for the benefit of another. The reason  for  this  lie  is  to conceal from the People that the only beneficiaries   of  this  system  are  the  Elite  who  control  the government. If  you  doubt this, then take a walk through any of the Great Slums of  any  major  city  in  America  or in any city in the world where Democracy  is  proclaimed  and  see  the  result  of "Democracy" for yourself.  Take a careful look at the plight of these people trapped in despair and abject poverty, and understand that the only ones who benefit from the plunder of the Time of the people of any nation are those  who  control the government of that nation! Almost all of the plundered/stolen  Time  ends  up  in  the hands of the few, corrupt, self-styled  Elite.  Very little is actually ever returned to anyone through so-called benefits. (The  figures  showing  the  amount  of  "transfer payments" made in America  are  very  revealing. If the amount spent on "proverty" was directly  distributed  to  those  listed below the "proverty level," each  and every one of the "poor" in America would receive well over $45,000 each year. They obviously don’t.) Remember,  a government that does not exist to do the bidding of the people,   exists  for  the  men/man  who  control  that  government. Determine  which situation exists and you can easily find where your Time  is  going.  (Follow  the  money!)  And  note, once again, that America  is  in  a  fraudulent  bankruptcy  for  the  benefit of the international  bankers,  and that the Law in America is suspended by contract.  This  means that the government is no longer bound by the restraints of the constitution. This  explains  why Americans have been fooled into coming under the rule  of  the  Municipal  Code of Washington, DC, as citizens of the District  of Columbia, i.e., the well-known United States citizen we have  all  been  trained  to  believe  we  are -- as compared to the Citizenship detailed for us in Scripture. THE UCC The  Uniform  Commercial  Code  (the  "Code")  is a unique system of statutory  jurisdiction  privately  copyrighted  by the American Law Institute  and  the  National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State   Laws  (see  Business  Law  and  the  Regulatory  Environment published  by Irwin Publishing, 1986, page 15 of Appendixes), and is private,  corporate  commercial law used for public purposes. One of the  more  interesting  aspects of the Code is that everything has a back door -- a way of undoing, or of getting out of any provision of the  Code.  IN other words, there is a way around every provision of that Code! It is beyond my comprehension, how anyone could willingly choose to put themselves under such a system. Of course, the benefit of  such  a  system for unprincipled men is that they cannot be held accountable  for their actions. As long as they know all of the trap doors  and neutralizing elements of the system, they have a get-out- of-jail-free-card  usable  anytime  that  the very wealthy wish. And since  the  "rich"  control  almost  limitless  amounts of fictional "exchange  medium,"  they  can pay any number of scribes to find the trap doors while the poor and middle class can not, but instead must suffer under the tyranny of private law for public purposes. In this regard, however, there are one or two provisions of the Code that are worthy of note. For instance, on money... The  Code lists four things, which are "money." Naturally, since the corporate  UNITED  STATES  Government  is  in  bankruptcy, we should understand  that, Constitutionally, there can be no "money", because that is the reason for a bankruptcy -- no "money," i.e., no gold and silver  coin of the nation. So the Code does not and can not address the  issue  of  gold and silver. The reason for the Great Depression (and all of the other "depressions" we have suffered through) was to allow  the  bankers  to steal the "money" (and the literal Money) of the  People  of  this  nation; and they did a very good job of doing exactly   that.   To   achieve   their   goal,   they   first had to eliminate/steal  the  substance (gold and silver -- "money") wherein the  People of the several states could store their Time safely away from the bankers' reach. However, if you do not have any "money," then something else must be substituted  for  use  as  a  "medium  of  exchange"  (money) in the economy. As I stated above, the Code lists four things as money: 1. Checks 2. Drafts 3. CDs 4. Promissory Notes (Not necessarily in this order.) Of  these  four  things,  elsewhere  in  the  code, we are told that checks,  drafts  and  CDs  are  NOT money unless there is "money" on deposit  to cover them! As I said, the Code contradicts itself every step  of  the  way.  Compare  that  to  the Scripture, which can not contradict itself! So  what  is  "money"  according to the Code? Only Promissory Notes. Why? What gives a Promissory Note value? When you sign a Promissory Note, what are you promising/pledging to do? Aren't you pledging your Time to  make the note good? Do you not agree to make so many payments of so  much  "money"  to  pay  the note back? And how do you obtain the funds  to  do  so  --  with  your  Time,  right? Then the value of a Promissory  Note  comes from the pledge of Time "to be spent" on the part  of the signer thereof to make the note good. It is a pledge of Time. Therefore, what is the only money recognized in the Code? Time How do the banksters work this to their advantage? First, we need to remember  that there is no "money," i.e., no exchange/storage medium of  substance,  in  the  system.  So  there has to be another way of allowing  the  system  to run. So when you go to the bank and pledge your  Time  on a Promissory Note, the bank takes that Note, deposits it  into  a checking account, without your knowledge or consent, and writes  a  check to you from that account. (This is how we arrive at the  term  "check-book money.") Since what has been deposited in the checking  account  is  your  Promissory Note, you must be the one to sign  the  check  issued against it. However, the bank simply forges your signature, or uses another signature, to issue the check. Simply  put,  under  the  Code,  the bank takes a mortgage upon your Time,  creates  a  fictitious  deposit  with the stroke of a pen and lends  the "deposit" back to you (check-book money), after attaching Usury to the transaction. This creates a bonded servant relationship between  the  bank  and the "borrower", through the ignorance of the "borrower,"  for  the  exclusive benefit of the owners of the "bank" and  those privileged to "charter" the private bank i.e., the owners of  the  Federal  Reserve system. This is particularly true when you finally  realize  that  it  was actually the "borrower" who lent his Time  to  the  "bank!"  We  lend our Time to the "bank" and the bank collects  the Usury upon it! Just how stupid are we? Perhaps this is why the bankers quaintly refer to us as their "little slaves." Actually,  when  you  lent your Time to the bank, the bank created a "bookkeeping  entry"  called  "check book money" which is the bank’s debt  and  is  entered  on  the bank’s books as a debit! In order to accomplish  this  and  balance  the  books,  your promissory note is stolen  and  entered  as  an asset of the bank! They literally steal your promissory note for their own exclusive benefit! And you -- the bonded  servant  of  the  bank  -- have agreed to pay off the bank’s debt! Never  doubt for a single moment that the Code is the private law of the banksters -- the international criminals who style themselves as bankers  --  for  the  bankruptcy  of  a  nation.  Perhaps  you  now understand  better  the  interworkings of this system and the reason for  its creation. And further, note that they are using private law for public purposes! According  to the United States Department of the Treasury, the only way to "create" money in this nation today is through local, private commercial  banks.  However,  creation is the province of God, and I have  just shown, and as I have always maintained, these local banks "create"  nothing!  All  of  their actions are based upon deceit and fraud,  and  they  are  literally stealing the Time of the People of America for their own personal gain. Quite  an ingenious system, don't you think? And this system can not exist  except  through  the  ignorance  of  the  people.  Completely fraudulent  and  deceitful because the bank has "no interest" (i.e., no  "money")  in  the  contract.  In  other  words, the bank has not provided  nor  given  anything  of  value  to justify their economic participation in the Note. Except ... What the little bankers (that's every banker except the Rockefellers and  above)  don't  realize  is that they will not benefit from this system,  except  for  a  long  enough  period  of time to install it completely  in America. Their participation is not wanted after they have served their purpose of assisting in the subjection of America. Under  the  Statutory  Jurisdiction of the UCC, all debt instruments MUST  travel to the top of the system -- to the Rothchilds and their ilk.  They  control  the  rules  and there is no room for anyone who could  grow  rich enough to compete with them. The bankruptcy of the UNITED  STATES  is  controlled through the Federal Reserve, the IMF, and  the  United Nations, and both the FED and the IMF answer to the U.N. The  U.N. is nothing but the private government of the Rothchilds -- a  private corporation operated out of Switzerland and once known as the  British  East  Indies  Company. Actually, the Dutch East Indies Company  is  where it all started. It is interesting to note that in Holland,  several  hundreds of years ago, the people became aware of the  scams being perpetuated against them, and they simply, one fine day,  hung all of the bankers in the nation. Believe me, the bankers are  serious  about gun control. It is the only way they can be even halfway  safe  for  any  extended length of time. And not having gun control  is  the  only  thing  keeping America from experiencing the atrocities of the Russian Revolution, which the bankers I am writing about  were  solely  responsible  for,  as  well as all of the other Communist  atrocities world wide. It must be just a coincidence that all Communist holocausts primarily target Christians. CHATTEL PROPERTY No  man's  Time  may  be  taken  from  him  unless he is the chattel property  of  those who benefit from the taking. That is the essence of  slavery;  the  owner/master  will be fed first. So a man can not enter  into  a  subjection/servitude  contract with a bank under the laws  of Usury unless he has a Social Security number -- a brand, to show that he is the property of the state -- i.e., property of those who  control  the  state  because  the  state,  having  no  physical existence,  can  not  own  anything! Today, if you are a "taxpayer," this  means  you  are  the property of the owners of the IMF and the U.N.,  and a voluntary correspondent to the International Bankruptcy of The (corporate) United States Government. This  is  why,  contrary to Biblical Law, a man must pay three times what  a  house  or  other property is worth to establish "mere user" privilege  of  the  Realty, or half again as much to establish "mere user" privilege of a car or truck. You  pledge  your  Time,  Usury  is attached, and then you are given permission (privilege) to use your Time to claim the use of whatever you  wish  to possess, provided that your fees to the state are kept current  (property tax and licensing fees). This is the very essence of Socialism, where the state has ownership/control of all property, for  the  taxation  benefit of the so-called Elite, or of Feudalism. Feudalism and Socialism/Communism are one and the same. The  real  failure  point of this "system" comes within the greed of man.  As  the  ‘system’  grinds on, the amount of Usury and taxation reaches the point where the common man no longer can support himself or  his  family,  and  he simply walks away and, with his production gone,  the  "system"  collapses. When you study history, always keep this  in mind, because it is exactly what happened to every "empire" recorded  in  history.  And,  it  happens just as soon as the wealth becomes concentrated in a few, greedy hands. But  to  understand  this  completely, you have to face the truth of Empire/Socialism/Feudalism   --  ALL  THINGS  ARE  PROPERTY  OF  THE "STATE,"  AND  THIS INCLUDES YOU. Since this nation is as thoroughly socialized  as any in the world (except that the restrictions of the Constitution  because  of  the  Declaration  of  Independence [i.e., Constitution  =  instrument  of Common Law {Biblical} procedure] are still  in  force  and effect for those that understand the Law), and once you understand the real nature of Socialism/Feudalism, you need to  read from Senate Document 43 again, about all property belonging to the State. Senate Document 43, "Contracts payable in Gold" written in 1933: "The  ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called  ownership  is  only  by  virtue of government, i.e., law, amounting  to  mere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State." This is still on the books -- still in force and in effect today. If  you  have no Rights, then you are the property. And the property being  referred to in that odious document is not land or cars -- it is  Rights.  Rights  are the only property that exists. Within those Rights  are  all other things, including the Right to own land, or a car,  or  anything  else,  including  the Right to have the means to defend  yourself.  Those  are the Rights that the Senate was talking about.  Not  your  land,  because  without  those Rights you are the chattel  property,  and  property  has no Right to own property, nor does  property  have  any  Right to the fruits of his/her own labor. Property  may  keep  only  that  which  the  owner/master  deems  is permissible for him to posses (not own). Your master owns everything you have, and you are permitted to "use" it. SLAVE:  A  human  being  over  whom  some  other person has the same property  rights  as  he has over a domestic animal which he owns. A slave  has  no  legal  status,  no righ [sic] of action in court, no property  and  can  neither  enter  into  a  contract  nor  a  valid marriage... (Rabin’s Law Dictionary) Do  you  understand  the so-called "courts" that you enter into when summoned by the "law" or when you "sue" someone? To enter that court you  must  be "represented," i.e., you must step aside and represent yourself  (pro  se),  or you must hire a BAR lawyer to represent you because  you  have  no  standing  in that court! The very use of BAR controlled courts proves that you are a SLAVE! Perhaps  now  you  understand  the  soon  to  be 85%, currently 70%, accumulative  tax  burden  that  Bill  Clinton  predicts for America within     the  next  few  years!  Make  sure  that  you  understand accumulative taxation. 70% accumulative taxation means that when you buy  a  loaf  of  bread for $1.00, 70 cents is taxes! When you buy a home for $100,000.00, $70,000.000 is taxes! Before  we  begin  with  a discussion about inflation, let's be sure that  we  clearly  understand  the  Rothschilds and the "privileges" bought  and  paid  for  by  them.  The Monarchies of Europe, and the corporation   known  as  The  United  States  Government,  gave  the Rothschilds  permission,  because  of  bribery  and  corruption,  of forcing Men into Economic Servitude through bondage of their Time to banks. This bondage does not have to be directly to the Rothschilds, because  the  small  bankers can do nothing without paying "homage," monetary and personal homage, to the Rothschilds and their ilk. This  extends  to  each nation's taxpayers as well. Governments turn over  "taxpayer  backed  bonds"  to the Rothschilds; the Rothschilds turn  the  "promissory note-bonds" into "check-book money," and lend it back to the government. This creates an unpayable debt of bondage to     the  Rothschilds,  and  at  the  same  time,  it  creates  an uncontrollable  government  by  greatly expanding the ability of the government  to  "spend"  the  time  of  their  subjects. (Are you so surprised  now  at the size of the military-industrial complex? What else  would  the  bankers  permit  the bankrupt governments to spend their  "credit"  on  but guns, so that the "collection" of taxes can continue no matter what?) How  do  the  people  of  any  nation  control  the government -- by restricting  the  government's  access  to  funding, by limiting the government's  power  to tax. But when the government is in debt, and has  the ability to "create" unlimited debt, those kinds of controls disappear,  largely  through  the ignorance of the people. From this seed  we  then  have  wars, demands for "living space," and anything else  which  will divert the people's attention from the real issues which are money, and the bondage of those same people through Usury. What Causes Inflation? The  real  cause  of inflation is very simple. People do not, people cannot  cause  inflation  just by the ordinary process of buying and selling. But it is only through the understanding of the real nature of money that inflation can be understood. In a nation, there is only so much Time of the People of that nation in  existence.  And the People of the nation will spend that Time in their  own  interest.  In doing so, whether they pledge the Time for land  or  other material benefits, there is still only so much Time. You  can  not  water down the Time of the people -- it is a physical impossibility! The  only  thing that you can do is water down the storage medium of the  People's  Time,  so that the stored Time of the people has less value  when  it  is  "spent"  than  when  it was stored. This can be accomplished in one of two ways. 1. The "government" issues excessive script (known as fiat currency) in  order  to  pay  for benefits for the Elite. This is usually done under  the guise of "building for defense," "public works," "war" or some  such nonsense, but since the federal government in Washington, DC, no longer issues any "money", we understand that this is not the problem  in  America.  This  is  also  why  a  balanced budget is an absolute  necessity  with a Lawful government so that the people who control  the  government  cannot  prey upon the people of the nation through  the  government's power to issue and value the "money," the storage unit of the people's Time. (And this means debasement of the gold or silver coin, as well as use of "paper" currency.) 2.  The  second,  and  most common form of inflation, is through the process  of  Usury.  When  a Man pledges his Time at a bank, and the bank  lends  it  back  to  him through our current process under the bankruptcy  of the federal government, the Usury charged to that man automatically  devalues his Time, because when he pays back his Time that  he  has borrowed, he must pay the Usury as well. If he borrows $10,000,  he  must pay back $11,000, and the devaluation of his Time is  automatic  in  ANY  instance  in  which  Usury is charged -- ANY INSTANCE! And the inflation is automatic at this point. Usury/interest is the primary cause of inflation wherever it exists! This is why, under Christian Law, no Usury/interest may exist! It is literally  the  stealing  of  a  man's  Time upon this earth for the benefit  of  those  privileged by man’s law, the "government," to do so. The  single  largest  source  of inflation in America is the federal deficit;  Usury  charged  against the "taxpayers" of America for the benefit of the international bankers. And this deficit MUST exist in this system, or our economy would collapse. Let me make sure that you understand exactly what the deficit really is:  The  deficit  exists as a means of pumping into the economy the approximate  amount  of  the  Usury  removed from the economy by the International  Bankers  as "interest" charged against the fictitious national debt. This is accomplished by the banksters through the so- called  Income  Tax  which is paid directly to their private Federal Reserve  bank  as  tribute for the "privilege" of being able to work through  the  use by our nation of their "storage unit," the Federal Reserve  Note.  It  is not an accident that the "deficit" has always closely matched the "interest" paid by that bankrupt entity known as The  United  States  Government. This is deliberate and necessary or our  economy  would  collapse.  If the federal budget is balanced, a depression is a certainty! And  the  men and women serving the self-styled elite in Washington, DC, understand this very well indeed. Make no mistake about this -- Inflation is a result of the privilege extended  to  bankers  and known as "fractional reserve banking". As long  as  this evil is permitted to exist in our nation we will have the  poor,  the  homeless,  and  the  victims  of oppression in ever increasing numbers. There is no other result possible as this system continues to grind its way through the wealth of America. Foreclosure -- or Tax Sale? To  really  understand  America today, one more piece of information may be necessary. This  is  something  that  has just come to my attention through the efforts  of  a  friend of mine and the work he is doing against this predatory system of banking in America. What  foreclosure?  The  bank  has no interest in the contract -- no interest  in the Mortgage Note (i.e., promissory note) that the bank loaned  back  to  the man who signed the mortgage. The only interest that  the  bank  has in the contract is in the Usury attached to the Time  of  the maker (a Human Being) of the Promissory Note! (Go back and  review  how  the  bank  actually "creates" "money.") How do you foreclose on Usury? But  what  other  provision of the "contract" can the bank foreclose upon? Why do the banks require that they hold the "property use tax" charged  against  the  property  for  your  "mere user" privilege of occupying      the  property?  What  if  the  real  process  in  the "foreclosure"     is  actually  a  tax  sale  to  the  bank  by  the "government?"  --  a simple change of the privileged occupier of the property at the whim of the master/owner? And  the  more  that  we find out about foreclosures the more we are beginning to understand that this is probably what is actually going on.  This  is  the  explanation of why it takes so long to foreclose upon the property. They quit paying the "property tax" when you quit making  your payments and they have to wait until the property comes up for sale on the tax roles. Doing  a  tax sale accomplishes the single most important thing that the  bank  needs  done -- it eliminates your "credit" with the bank, which  is  the  deposit  of  your  promissory note, which is a debit against the bank. The bank must eliminate this to gain the equity in the property. Do the people working in the county tax office realize what is going on?  People  have tried to go in and pay the past due taxes on their property,  which  is  being  foreclosed  and  the  assessor's office refused  to  accept the payments! I would say that they know exactly what  is going on. The only ignorant ones -- once again -- appear to be  Us  the People, as the Feudal system is once again installed for the  benefit  of the self-styled Elite at the cost of the common man through the elimination of the Law. And  this  is a very real system of Kings and Queens (Dictatorship), because under these Codes, there can be only one Sovereign. Or we in America, unlike the rest of the world, can go back to the Common Law for  everyone,  and  every  Man in America can be a Sovereign on the land  once  again—a Sovereign, whose Time belongs solely to him, and to  God  --  no  one  else.  Everyone is free, or no one is free and freedom  can  only exist under The True God’s Law. I wish no benefit from  anyone,  but  I  refuse  to permit someone else to consider me their property, to dispose of as they wish, and to steal from me, as they desire. Am I a taxpayer? NO!!! Nor  am  I  property  of the State. This is the Question of money -- What Is Money? The  Time  you  spend,  ladies  and gentlemen, and only the Time you spend  is money. Is that your Time -- granted to you by your Creator --  or  does  your Time belong to another man? The choice is simple. I've made mine. Again, all of these distortions of America really should not come as a  surprise.  After  all,  freedom is not free, and every subterfuge that  is possible will be used in order to change your status – from that  of  FreeMan  as  granted by our Creator and as declared in The Declaration of Independence – to the level of an animal; the chattel property of he who controls the power of government. In passing from this Part, it is necessary to belabor one point; the LOVE of money is the root of ALL evil. This  is  necessary,  not  because  you have not heard it enough, or because you have not begun to grasp the significance of this part of Scripture  in  understanding  the  world around you. It is necessary because you do not get it yet. Why?  Because  you  look  at this as a lens through which to see the world, instead of yourself... This  Scriptural  passage  is  not referring to "the world" -- it is referring  first  to you. It is telling you to quit making decisions based  on  money.  Decisions are first to be made based on right and wrong  -- absolute right and absolute wrong. There is no other basis to  be  used  in  making  decisions,  and  to use money as the first primary  concern in decision making is to acknowledge this Scripture in your own life, and in the lives of your family. I  hear  it  so  often.  "Organic food is so expensive! Herbs are so expensive!  That  book  is  so  expensive!  Besides,  I have medical insurance  so  I  really  do not need the Herbs, or the better food, or..." And the list goes on and on, but the first to suffer are your families.  I  know  people  today who are paying over $100/month for cable  television!  They are making payments of more than $600/month on  a new pickup, some much more on two new vehicles, and others pay $100's  for  "insurance."  But  to pay thirty or forty dollars for a book on Herbs, or health -- nope -- no money, not for that! When  will  you  have  the  money  for  "that,"  or  for anything of importance?  When will the scams of the advertisers, the bankers and the  international  corporations  mean  less to you than your family does  --  when? When will you make the decision to change your life, to  become  closer  to  Him, and to move towards the Right, the real Right? When will you get out of the city, and back to where He wants you, self-sufficient and out-of-her? When it is too late? The  LOVE of money is the root of ALL evil .... Television is a very close second .... It  is  not  hard to understand the world -- simply look at yourself first. When  I  started doing this, my anger about the men who do "this" to us  disappeared.  After  all, as I discovered in my studies, they do the same things to themselves. The ones playing with the food supply eat  the  same filth they sell to us, all for the love of money, and they feed it to their children. And the drug importers often are the first  hooked  on  the  drugs,  or  their children are. And the "law enforcement"  thugs  often  find  their  own  children and relatives ensnared  in  the  same mess we have identified, or with the IRS, or with... Vengeance  is  Mine,  saith  the  Lord.  Oh, how often we forget the absolute  truth  of  Scripture! His Law is Absolute, and it works at all  times.  It  is only we, the blind and deaf who do not recognize the  infinite  wisdom  inherent  in  the world, and struggle against submission to Him. Be  not  angry  with  them, for they know not what they do. Instead, pray  for them, and pray for the strength to alter your own actions, to His Plan. Now  that  you  have finished Part VII, and I hope you enjoyed it as much  as  I  enjoyed bringing it to you, please read Part VIII. Part VIII  contains research and sources you will be hard pressed to ever put together any other place. They are fantastic! God Bless, David email: