Subject: [Fwd: Fw: ATTACHMENT] Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 From: Big Al This dovetails right into the letter that I received from Pete and what he was trying to get across. Big al THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS WHO ARE THEY? Let us get right to the point. Day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year the Congress of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA has passed legislation that has been against the best interest of the People of the united States. The Beltway pastime has been to pare away from the people as many of the Constitutionally secured rights as possible. Page upon page could be presented to mark a paper trail of this group from the Amendment fiascos to the latest bill that creates an absolute police state. There is blatant fraud incorporated into the ratifications of the Amendments and absolute disregard for the Constitutionally secured rights of the people. When it is finally brought before a Grand Jury, indictments will be handed out like candy at a picnic, and sentences will be in the thousands of years. This is not just the story of crooked politicians. They are usually the result of extraneous forces, such as money and greed. This is the story about the men with the money who corrupted the men and women who gained the trust of the People who worked and built the Republic that made it a special target for the men with money. The history of the United States will reflect skirmishes between these men and honorable men. Yes, there have been a few. However, the period following the Civil War made the Republic especially vulnerable because of the financial depletion caused by the war. You can almost see the wolves gathering around a lone animal on the prairie, waiting for the first sign of weakness to begin their attack. Attack the men of money did in the 1860's. Scholars of the civil war say that it was one of the bloodiest, but the attack of the men of money on this Republic after the civil war, has caused more bloodshed and death than most minds can fathom. Thus, began the final decline. In the annuals of Congress it was but a small entry with seeming insignificance. A few innocent written words that no one would hold of any value, if they noticed them at all. The Acts of the Forty-First Congress. Chances are this would not prick your interest. Quite possibly no one outside of Congress and a select few ever heard or thought about the Acts of the Forty-First Congress. We were not vigilant. However, the record reveals that on February 21, 1871 A.D., Section 34 of the Acts of the Forty-First Congress, Session III, Chapters 61 and 62, the Congress passed an Act entitled, "An Act to Provide a Government for the District of Columbia. Most will say "So what?" A public entity of the united States of America was provided a government. Did this public entity not already have a government under the Constitution for the united States? Why did the Congress feel the need to separate the District of Columbia with a special Act of Congress. What kind of a government did they create? The Congress created a corporation. A corporation? Where did the Congress find the authority in the Constitution to reconstitute any part of the united States as a corporation? Quite simple, the 1791, Constitution was set aside to make room for the corporation. How or would this Act benefit the Republic? In truth, it would be of no benefit. We are talking about apples and oranges! The corporate bottom line is profit. The municipal bottom line is service. This was treason, pure and simple! What Rationale, Treason? Transportation and communication systems were primitive in those day. Who would ever know? We would be naive to believe the Congress, sitting on an empty treasury would conjure up the corporation scheme. If they would have had the inclination they would not have had the money. Enter the International Banker, he unlike the governments of old, would not loan the money without binding strings, hence the formation of a corporation. A foot in the door, so to speak. The framers of the Constitution actually despised the central bankers. And kept them in check. The International Bankers spoken of here, were the central bankers of Europe, and of the same ilk that were so despised by the forefathers. The terms central banker and liberty cannot be spoken of, seriously, in the same sentence. The Constitution, not withstanding, a deal was struck. As is the way with all governments, wise fiscal management never prevails for long and soon we were in bankruptcy. Honest politicians could have rescued the Republic from bankruptcy on several occasion, but alas, the money from the International Banker was far better than the pittance received from the Republic. Some things never change! Now that the hook was well set the insidious activity began, subtle at first, but always relentless. The goal, as we would later learn, was world domination "One World Order." Throughout this time there had been some, not too subtle, indications that the Congress had been striking out on its own by striking down some very fundamental Constitutionally secured rights. An example of this is a paragraph generated by the Senate in 1933, wherein they stated that all property is owned by the UNITED STATES and that basically we have its use by the good graces of the Government. (Quite a statement by someone who had authority only in the District of Columbia.) You will look a long time in the Constitution for the united States and never find their authority to remove individual property rights. Incidently, this is one of the major planks of the Communist Manifesto. Another plank of the Communist Manifesto that our Congress foisted on us and the Republic was the graduated Income Tax. The controversy of the 16th Amendment still rages on. You would have to be struck stupid not to realize, after reading the research material on the 16th Amendment fraud, compiled by Benson and Beckman, that Amendment 14 is irreconcilably indicted by the letter used to justify the l6th Amendment. When the issue of the 16th Amendment was returned to the congress, they did not want to hear about it. For whom do these people work? That is what this document is all about! Are we going to overlook the initial treason? That is impossible! Is treason an excusable offense? I do not think so! But, for a little exercise or mental gymnastics let us go back to1871, and look a little deeper into this Congressional Act and take it apart for examination, first the Act and then their actions toward the Act. (A treason, then an embellishment of the treason) First, we see that a Government was provided for the District of Columbia, a ten-mile-square parcel of land. Secondly, that by definition the UNITED STATES is a corporation of the District of Columbia. Tertiary, that the UNITED STATES has no authority or jurisdiction outside of the District of Columbia. Fourth, the government of the District of Columbia is authorized to pass Private International Law applicable and enforceable only in the District of Columbia. To secure the feature in your mind that the United States is indeed a corporation, See UNITED STATES CODE. TITLE 28 3002 (15)(A)(B)(C), where it states that the United States is a corporation. It states further that all departments, Justice, Treasury, Judiciary, Etc. are corporate depart-ments of the United States corporation. The UNITED STATES corporation is not separate from the government it is the government. Therefore, the UNITED STATES CORPORATION is the government of the district of Columbia. However, we have learned by their definition that the UNITED STATES has no jurisdiction outside of District of Columbia. Therefore, the UNITED STATE HAS NO JURISDICTION OR VENUE IN ANY STATE OF THE REPUBLIC. Simply put this means that all District of Columbia based departments and agencies located in the several States are there in violation of Congressional mandate. In other words, in violation of the law. Does this sound bad? Ask your Congress person! Go to the telephone book, there you will see them listed. To name a few: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE; THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY; THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS, THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS, THE UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE, UNITED STATES BUREAU OF PRISONS. The infiltration has been thorough. The Congress of the UNITED STATES makes the rules and regulations for these department and agencies. The Congress has committees on everything, including the oversight of almost every corporate department. Does it occur to you that the UNITED STATES CONGRESS does not know that these agencies are active outside of the District of Columbia? It hardly seem possible, does it? There must be some explanation. Indeed, there is. The Congress of the united States created a government for the District of Columbia, which is in fact a corporate instrument that is known as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation/ govern- ment. The Congress perfected this Act in the absence of Constitutional authority and thereby committed treason against the People. The Congress for purposes of fraud and deception, purposely defaced the description of the united States by capitalizing all of the letters, (see example, UNITED STATES,) thus, making a title of the description, (see example, united States, "united" is an adjective and is not capitalized)) In so doing the Congress prepared a deceptive way to use the title in place of the actual description of the Nation. Thus, saying one thing and meaning another to the deception of those who do not understand. The Congress did knowingly and wilfully change the title and meaning of the Constitution to read, the CONSTITUTION [OF] THE UNITED STATES, thereby claiming same to be the bylaws of the UNITED STATES corporation. The Congress perpetrated this deception on the people so they could speak openly about the Constitution to the people and the People would believe they were talking about the Constitution for the People, which when properly written, should read the Constitution [for] the united States. All this may seem petty but it has had a profound and destructive effect on the people of this Nation. Take note: The Congress is not guided by the Constitution for the People. The Congress is guided by the corporate constitution--the word-altered Constitution. (THE CONSTITUTION [OF] THE UNITED STATES.) Although, bearing the same words within, as the Constitution [for] the people, the word-altered or corporate constitution, promises nothing and gives nothing to the people. The document is used for their own benefit, whatever it may be. Article VI of either constitution requires an Oath of Allegiance. All elected and appointed government employees take an Oath of Allegiance to the corporate Constitution, this includes the President, Senators and Representative. Think about this! Make a note of it, because it is extremely important. The elected and appointed officials and employees of our so-called government do not owe their allegiance to the People or Constitution for the united States, and therefore are not obligated to do our bidding. Basically, they are traitors, however, most do not even know they have been duped. Hence, the reason for this and other missives. This group of people has absolutely NO LEGAL authority over you or your property. Ask your Congressperson.! Because of its diminutive physical size, the UNITED STATES blew itself up like a mating turkey. Indeed, they employed self aggrandizement, hence the reason for the capitalization. Little by little the corporation is working to fulfill its congressional statement that all property belongs to the state, even YOU. Take a look at your birth and marriage certificates--all capitals. All documents issued to YOU by the government use your assigned name, all in capitals. According to the Uniform Commercial Code, even your unborn are imprinted for government use. Here is a fun exercise. Write and tell them you want to be known in writing under the name that you use not the one that has been assigned to you. (This name assignment is significant.) Do you suppose that your Congress person is unaware of this. In all seriousness, there are a lot of attorneys who are unaware of what is going on. (No pun intended.) Although, attorneys take an Oath of Allegiance to the Constitution their only allegiance is to the American Bar Association. This organization has nothing to do with America, except inflict the will of the European Central Bankers on the attorneys of this nation. If you can imagine, the American Bar Association is governed by the Bar Council an England-Wales based organization. (This is almost an oxymoron..) They make the rules, the judges act as the enforcers. How do you suppose this matter slipped by our esteemed, elected public officials, The Congress? Let us talk about the Congress, our esteemed, elected public officials. Our Senate recently passed a bill that permits government agents to go into your house at any time, without a warrant, confiscate whatever they deem appropriate and leave you looking. All of this to curb the "Methamphedamine problem." (Remember this group has no legal authority) Strange, the Constitution speaks of only three law jurisdictions, namely, Common Law, Equity and Admiralty. I am certainly not in favor of the use of this material, either for me or mine but I do not believe it is a crime for someone to use or make this material in their own home. If indeed, someone is injured the common law comes into play. This crime is not a crime because there is no victim. The State says they are the victim. However, municipalities cannot be victims, but corporations can be. Does that not speak volumes about who they are in the final analysis! It is apparent, they do not consider themselves a municipality. If they are injured, common law is their remedy. Our prisons are filled with people who have been convicted of victimless crimes. There is no Constitutional law jurisdiction to prosecute these people. Therefore, the corporation uses the UNITED STATES CODE. The UNITED STATES CODE has no basis in the Constitution for the Republic, and no jurisdiction in the States of the Union. (Now, you see it does make a difference whose Constitution you follow-one you have rights the other you do not) Prisons are a growth industry in this country and they are also a money-maker for the corporation. Do you suppose this bit of truth has slipped by the Congress, our esteemed elected officials. Speaking a little bit more about the subject of the above paragraph let me dovetail in a piece of information covered earlier in this missive. We were speaking about Private International Law. The UNITED STATES CODE, in totality is Private International Law. It is also Private Copyrighted Law. Why? The UNITED STATES CODE, in totality, was put together in the District of Columbia. I say put together because very little of the UNITED STATES CODE was ever enacted into law. Unbelievable? How can this be, it is the law of the Republic? No, it is not!! They want you to believe it is, but it is not! (Look it up, see for yourself) Better yet, ask your esteemed elected officials, the Congress. Beyond that, the UNITED STATES CODE is applicable only in the District of Columbia. By their own rules of jurisdiction the UNITED STATES ATTORNEYS have no business prosecuting anyone outside of the District of Columbia. What about the federal courts? The UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT has no venue outside the District of Columbia, therefore, no jurisdiction. What about the Congress? Statutorily, the Congress cannot pass a law that is applicable in the States of the Republic. Do you suppose this matter slipped by the Congress without their notice? This is a felony! Kidnaping and conspiracy are involved in every arrest and conviction by federal authorities outside of the District of Columbia. What an indictment! (A prosecutor's delight; how can it be defended?) Are we just going to turn our heads? Do you suppose the Congress knows this? You bet they do. The Congress arranged it. It is clear that we do not have a municipal government. It is a proven fact that what we now call our government is actually our enemy. They are a force that is bent on the destruction of the Constitution and the Republic. They have anointed themselves with super power that put them above the law. They would have you believe that all things are the property of the State, including your body and that they have the absolute right to control your every movement. (See FEMA, plans for America) They would have you believe they have the right to break into your home, take your possessions and if you object, arrest you for obstruction of justice and put you into prison. They have anointed themselves with this power, not from the people but from a foreign corporation known as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Why yes, didn' t you know the UNITED STATES corporation and government is bankrupt and in the hands of foreign trustees. They rule with impunity!. Their twisted criminal minds believe they own you! Therefore, they have the right to break into your home, take your property, and if you do not like it, then put you in prison. They make money either way! Ask your Congress person, he or she will be happy to explain it for you! If you get an answer. If you do not, Demand an answer!! The united States of America is in the hands of foreign agents! The Congress is an integral working part of this foreign corporation. Indeed, they, like all employees of the so-called government are indentured servants of the corporation. They do as they are told to do. The Congress does not have an admirable record of safeguarding our Constitutionally secured rights, but why should they? THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES DOES NOT REPRESENT THE PEOPLE! THEY REPRESENT THE CORPORATION UNDER THE CORPORATE CONSTITUTION. DON'T YOU FORGET IT!!! AMERICA, WHAT DO YOU NOW THINK OF THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS? A post note if you please. I think about a grand jury when I hear of government corruption. The English barons forced King John to sign the "Great Charter" the "Magna Carta" to guarantee their input into matters of state, particularly taxation. John signed it against his will, but he signed it none-the-less. The idea grew into the grand jury. (It was and still is a serious matter.) King John could not live with the loss of some of his power and was later killed by a soldier of one of the barons that was enforcing the "Great Charter." The Magna Carta and the Grand Jury have never been authority friendly. It was meant as a tool for the People against oppressive leaders. The grand jury must be construed to be the last civil means open to the People before open hostility. (War) Why have the People of the united States permitted oppressive leaders to gain control over this peaceful means of problem resolution? The grand jury may be the only peaceful means out of our present dilemma. Demand that it be returned!! Indeed, are we less than the barons! Everyone should send a copy of this letter to his or her Congress person! ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 12:52 AM Subject: Re: Fw: Congress1.wpd > Sorry no WP attachment. > > Don > > On Wed, 11 Oct 2000 20:19:43 -0500 "evans" writes: > > > > ----- Original Message ----- > > From: J.D. & Ann C. Anderson > > To:; > > Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 4:19 PM > > Subject: Congress1.wpd > > > > > > Hello folks, >> This was sent to me on a disk from a good friend who had worked 42 >> years for the government, and was treated wrong by them. I do not > >know where he is now, but I understand he is out of the country. It > >is a shame people who thought they were working and doing the > >correct job, to be treated as he was. A lot of you remember how Gary >> Phillips was shafted because he challenged the corruption in the > >government. I hope he is ok and appreciate who ever is assisting > >him now. If anyone knows anymore, please share it with me. > > > > Pass this on to your friends if you wish. > > > > Respectfully, Andy