Subject: Reasons to Get US Out of the UN Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2000 07:44:57 -0500 From: John Jones If you get more than one of these messages please let us know and pass this information on along with teaching our people the truth! >A Dozen Good Reasons to Get US Out! of the United Nations >More and more Americans are coming to the chilling realization that U.S. >membership in the United Nations poses a very real threat to our survival as >a free and independent nation. Here are some good reasons to be concerned: > >1. The UN's basic philosophy is both anti-American and pro-totalitarian. Our >Declaration of Independence proclaims the "self-evident" truth that "men ... >are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights." But, in its >Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the UN ignores God's existence, >implies that it grants rights, and then repeatedly claims power "as provided >by law" to cancel them out of existence. If any government can place >restrictions on such fundamental rights as freedom of speech, the right to >keep and bear arms, freedoms of the press, association, movement, and >religion, soon there will be no such freedoms. > >2. The UN was founded by Communists and CFR members whose common goal was a >socialist world government. Sixteen key U.S. officials who shaped the >policies leading to the creation of the UN were later exposed in sworn >testimony as secret Communists. These included Alger Hiss, chief planner of >the 1945 founding conference, and the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, >Harry Dexter White. The Soviet Union under Stalin and the entire Communist >Party USA apparatus worked tirelessly to launch the UN. Since its beginning >in 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has always worked for world >government. The key CFR founder, Edward Mandell House, in his book, Philip >Dru: Administrator, called for "Socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx ..." The >CFR was an early promoter of the UN, and 43 members of the U.S. delegation at >the UN founding conference were or would become CFR members. > >3. The UN has always chosen socialist one-worlders for leaders. The >Secretary-General at the UN founding conference was Soviet spy Alger Hiss. He >was followed as Secretary-General by Norwegian socialist Trygve Lie, Swedish >socialist Dag Hammarskjold, Burmese Marxist U Thant, Austrian former Nazi >Kurt Waldheim, Peruvian socialist Javier Perez deCuellar, and Egyptian >socialist Boutros Boutros-Ghali. Each has consistently used the full >resources of the UN to promote Communist and socialist causes around the >world. The Socialist International (which proudly traces its origins to the >First International headed by Karl Marx) today claims tens of millions of >members in 54 countries. At its 1962 Congress, it declared: "The ultimate >objective of the parties of the Socialist International is nothing less than >world government ... Membership of the United Nations must be made universal >..." Almost all of the UN's "independent" commissions for the last thirty >years have been headed by members of the Socialist International. > >4. The UN seeks power to control the environment, population, children ... >the world. Both the 1972 UN Environmental Program and the 1992 UN Conference >on Environment and Development laid plans to whip up widespread environmental >concerns (some exaggerated, many completely fabricated). These concerns would >then be used as justification for increasing UN authority on environmental >issues. The statements and publications of these UN programs leave little >doubt that their goal is a world government with the power to cancel national >sovereignty, regulate economic activity, and control the human race all, of >course, under the banner of "protecting the environment." In late 1994, UN >planners meeting in Egypt approved a 20-year, $17 billion plan to "stabilize" >the world's population. The UN's goal is to reduce population selectively by >encouraging abortion, sterilization, and controlled human breeding. The UN >Convention on the Rights of the Child also claims power not only to grant >rights but also to cancel them "as provided by law." It claims that >governments must guarantee children "freedom of expression ... freedom to >seek, receive, and impart information ... freedom of thought, conscience, and >religion," regardless of the wishes of their parents. > >5. The UN Charter outlines the path to world tyranny. After giving lip >service about not intervening "in matters which are essentially within the >domestic jurisdiction of any state ...," the UN Charter continues, "but this >principle shall not prejudice the application of enforcement measures under >Chapter VII." Chapter VII discusses sanctions and boycotts, but if these are >decided to "be inadequate, it may take such action by air, sea, or land >forces as may be necessary to maintain or restore international peace and >security." The UN used this broad assertion of authority as the pretext for >its armed intervention in the domestic turmoil in Somalia and Haiti. > >6. The UN is building its own army to enforce its will. In 1992, UN >Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali, fulfilling a directive from the UN >Security Council, unveiled An Agenda for Peace, a plan to strengthen UN >"peacekeeping" capabilities. The plan calls for armed forces to be made >available to the UN "on a permanent basis." It ominously warns, "The time of >absolute and exclusive sovereignty has passed" and proceeds to name a long >list of "risks for stability" that would be used to justify use of the >"permanent" UN army to enforce its will. Incredibly, U.S. leaders are using >America's military to pave the way for this UN army. In Bosnia, Somalia, >Haiti, and elsewhere, foreign UN commanders have controlled our troops. When >15 Americans were killed over Iraq in mid-1994, Vice-President Gore extended >condolences "to the families of those who died in the service of the United >Nations." Even more incredibly, it has been the official policy of the U.S. >government since 1961 to disarm America and create a UN army. This policy >concludes: "progressive controlled disarmament would proceed to the point >where no nation would have the military power to challenge the progressively >strengthened UN Peace Force." (See State Department publication 7277: Freedom > From War.) > >7. The UN doesn't settle disputes - it makes them worse! Our ambassador to >the UN in 1982, although a UN supporter, admitted, "The UN has become an >arena in which countries are drawn into problems they might never have become >involved in." Ask yourself: Should Seychelles or Benin or Guyana or Barbados >have to take sides in a clash that breaks out on the opposite side of the >world? When centuries-old animosities erupt in the former Yugoslavia, why >does the UN inject its presence with troops, blockades, bombing, and a parade >of speeches? American troops serving as globocops for the UN become targets >for criminals and terrorists. In 1983, 241 U.S. Marines were blown to bits at >the Beirut airport. Five years later, a U.S. Marine Lieutenant Colonel was >kidnapped and eventually murdered by Arab terrorists while in a UN unit in >Lebanon (he was unarmed - as required by the UN). The UN "peacekeeping >mission" in Somalia cost the lives of another 36 Americans in 1993. > >8. The UN ignores Communist atrocities but targets non-Communist nations and >leaders. When Soviet tanks rolled into Hungary in the 1950s, when the Chinese >Communists were murdering Tibetans in the 1960s, when the Soviets were >butchering civilians in Afghanistan in the 1970s and 1980s, when Chechnya was >brutalized by the Russians in the 1990s, the UN did nothing! But the UN >declared tiny Rhodesia "a threat to international peace" in the 1960s, >enabling pro-communist terrorist Robert Mugabe to seize power. And it was a >UN-led campaign that brought self-described Communist and convicted terrorist >Nelson Mandela to power in South Africa in the 1990s. > >9. The UN embraces Communist China - history's most murderous criminal >regime. In 1949, anti-Communist Nationalist China, one of the UN's founding >members, was forced from the mainland to Taiwan by the Communists. In 1971, >the UN expelled Taiwan and embraced the brutal Red Chinese government - a >government responsible for over 35 million murders. When the vote admitting >Red China was announced, UN delegates danced in the aisles to show their >contempt for America and their joy at the triumph of Red China. > >10. The UN is a moral cesspool filled with perverts and fat cats. In 1993, >the UN Economic and Social Council granted consultant status to the >International Gay and Lesbian Association which includes the North American >Man/Boy Love Association (advocates of child molestation) and the Dutch group >Vereniging Martijn (which also promotes use of children as sex objects). In >1988, the top Belgian UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) official was one of a group >convicted of running a child sex ring. Moral bankruptcy is commonplace in UN >operations. In Zimbabwe, UNICEF-donated equipment helped terrorists seize >power. In Vietnam, the Communists received $13 million from UNICEF while >untold thousands of boat people fled for their lives. Fat cats? UN employees >are paid 40% more than comparable U.S. workers and some receive subsidized >rent. An ex-UNICEF official confirmed that "pampered and cosseted staffs" of >various aid agencies "absorb 80% of all UN expenditures." > >11. America supplies the money, the UN then finances tyrants and assorted >enemies of the U.S., and conditions in the nations "aided" grow worse. U.S. >taxpayers pay 25% of the UN budget plus 31% of the UN special-agency budgets. >Additional billions of our dollars go to the IMF, World Bank, and other UN >related lending agencies where they have been used for incredibly wasteful >and subversive UN projects. (Not surprising since these agencies were >designed by Soviet agent Harry Dexter White and Fabian Socialist John Maynard >Keynes.) Socialist International spokesman Hilary Marquand aptly described >the IMF as "in essence a Socialist conception." World Bank "aid" funds went >to brutal Marxist dictator Mengistu while he was causing large-scale >starvation and death in Ethiopia; to Tanzanian dictator Julius Nyerere as he >drove peasants off their land and burned their huts; and to the Vietnamese >Communists, sending thousands of boat people into the sea. Even Newsweek >magazine concluded that the UN's foreign aid programs tend "to prop up >incompetent governments or subsidize economies so they can never stand on >their own." > >12. The UN is a war organization, NOT a peace organization. Article 42 of the >UN Charter claims authority to "take such action by air, sea, or land forces >as may be necessary to maintain or restore international peace and security." >But the UN definition of "peace" is never given. Tyrannical regimes >throughout history have defined "peace" as the absence of all opposition. To >achieve "peace" in Katanga in 1961, UN planes bombed hospitals, schools, >administrative buildings, and private homes. Katanga was an anti-Communist >province of the Belgian Congo seeking freedom from the Communist-controlled >central government. The UN is not now, and has never been, a peace >organization. It will use whatever military power it is given to force all >nations of the world to submit. >---------------------------------------------------------------------------- >------------------------------------ >Looking for what the Bible says about Christians and Civil Government? >Pastor John Weaver covers this and much more. Audio tapes are only $4.00 >each. Just click: > > Blessings, John Jones Trinity Farms International Ministry P.O. Box 32190 Raleigh, N.C. 27622 919-787-2000 Fax-787-1025 "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke (1729-1797) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is believed that this information came from the John Birch Society. That may be true. They do have some good information. I just believe that they don't go far enough to get us out of this mess. -- gene karl