A CASE OF MISDIRECTED PATRIOTISM The founding fathers admonished us to remain ever vigilant against encroachments on our liberties, and God directed us to place no other Gods before him. Understanding and accepting these directives calls into question our acquiescence to the near universal practice, in the nation's government schools, of indoctrinating our politically naïve, impressionable children with the daily recital of what constitutes a secular prayer of submission to the omnipotent State. This subject was prompted by the recent decision at my own school to begin each day this year by pledging allegiance to "Old Glory". This loyalty oath to our national government, (symbolized by the flag) will be ironically preceded by the implementation this year of a new Virginia law that mandates one minute of silence at the start of each school day. While the government is absolutely intolerant of any public expression of faith, acknowledgement, or allegiance to God on the part of teachers or students, in the very next minute, they are expected to utter a secular prayer, (the Pledge of Allegiance) even invoking the name of God in the process. Is our government so constituted that we should swear allegiance to it? If we call ourselves Christians, how can we allow our children to express such blind, unquestioning fidelity to an entity that today, expressly rejects the notion that God's laws are sovereign and above all human laws? The founding fathers of both the United States and Confederate States, repeatedly acknowledged the supremacy of Biblical law, which was accepted as the basis of all civil law, governance, and morality. Christians can only hold allegiance for civil government when it in turn embraces the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. The plain truth that has been staring us in the face for some time now, is that our government sanctions infanticide through abortion, embraces immorality in the name of liberty and justice, and utterly repudiates many of the most precious principles which were established at our founding, such as, limited government, state sovereignty and "reserved powers", conditional suffrage, and the sanctity of the home, the family, and private property, to name but a few. A pledge of allegiance to the flag of our government is not a real measure of our patriotism. Our patriotism is measured in our adherence to the principles of government expressed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and in our determination to oppose those that would undermine, contort, or destroy their clear meaning and protections. Today, we are repeatedly told by government, and their minions in the media, that we are not now, nor have we ever been, a Christian nation. They boast that our government makes no distinction between Christianity or any other religious faith, or lack of faith. Even a cursory study of this nation's founding will put to rest the lie that we were never a Christian nation, or intended to remain so. If you think otherwise, I would urge you to investigate this for yourself. While Christianity was never "established" by the Constitution as the State religion, it was openly recognized as the basis of our law and culture. Perhaps this is why immigration was originally restricted primarily to those Christian societies comprising Western Civilization, where assimilation into our Christian culture posed no threat to its survival and preeminence. Maybe we should be asking ourselves if the secular attacks on Christianity today are somehow tied to newer laws that now almost exclusively allow for non-Western immigration into the U.S. Could the massive push in government, schools, and the media, promoting multiculturalism and diversity, all be part of a plan to reconstruct a society antithetical to that which the founding fathers envisioned? Of course it is. The only question remaining for us is, will we stand idle while our Christian culture and the founding principles of our government are undermined, repudiated, and destroyed? I will stand with the founding fathers, as well as those much- maligned latter-day patriots in the Confederate States that embraced their Christian heritage, and were vigilant in defending the Constitution and Bill of Rights from the 19th century usurpers that pale in comparison with those of the 20th century. When it comes to Christianity and the principles that gave birth to our freedom and independence, I urge you to remain ever UNRECONSTRUCTED. Our allegiance is owed to Jesus Christ, not to a government that rejects him. Our children should not be subject to coercive indoctrination, especially without regard to a thorough understanding of what it is they are pledging allegiance to. We have to wonder why there is no corresponding pledge of fidelity to the Constitution and Bill of Rights. In the entire world, only the U.S. and the Philippines have a pledge to their flag. This naturally leads some of us to wonder why the rest of the world's Republics and Democracies have chosen not to adopt this practice. Do they see the mindless idolatry that most of us have missed? Perhaps it would be profitable to point out some little known facts regarding the origin of the Pledge. It was first written in 1892 by a Boston Socialist by the name of Francis Bellamy. As a Socialist he joined a movement begun by his first cousin, Edward Bellamy, in which they advocated for the "nationalization" of the American economy by the federal government, and lamented the "evils of capitalism". The Bellamy's were successful in gaining the support of The National Education Association in promoting the pledge for all public school children as a patriotic gesture coinciding with the celebration of the 400th anniversary of Columbus' discovery of America. The federal government eventually passed legislation sanctioning the use of the pledge and issuing instructions on how it was to be done. The reader might find it interesting to note that the recital was initially given with the arm fully extended in what we recognize today as "the Nazi salute". It was changed to the hand over the heart during World War II for obvious reasons. Southerners may be interested to know that Bellamy included the word "indivisible" by claiming that the Union fought the "Civil War" (sic) to prove this. Placing our religious objections aside for a moment, on this basis alone we should oppose a pledge so uttered. It is an absolute denial of the same right that gave birth to the Republic in the first place. Do we not embrace the principle of "consent of the governed" any longer? Is this right not clearly defined in The Declaration of Independence? In conclusion, are there no circumstances under which allegiance to our government can be questioned? If not, then we are but slaves. I believe that Americans today are victims of government propaganda and a false and pernicious dogma that amounts to the worship of the all- powerful state. This is what passes for patriotism for today. This kind of patriotism must be challenged if we are going to retain any semblance of the liberty we were intended to have. What do you think? I welcome comments at wcarlson@i-plus.net