Date: Sat, 10 Apr 1999 03:39:29 From: David Subject: Re: TC2K Our mythology needs refinement To: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- At 01:49 PM 4/9/99 -0800, gene karl wrote: > >Needless to say, this is a war even if our only weapon is use of free speech and free press. > I am not at war with anyone. Liberty is first and foremost a state of mind. Helping ratify the new constitution is something I can do because I choose to live free, and I believe it is can enhance and secure my liberty. The new constitution, if ratified, will not confer liberty on anyone who doesn't make their own independent decision to choose liberty for themselves. At the same time, it the constitution is not ratified, it will not mean the end of liberty for those who have the liberty mindset. I intend to continue to enhance and expand my personal liberty, regardless of the actions of any other person or group. I also intend to strenuously avoid the initiation of violent conflict. Not because that is my nature, but rather because reason tells me that is the best way to advance the cause of liberty. My favorite flag is the one with the rattlesnake and says "Don't tread on me." I get excited by expressions like "Never give an inch" and "Give me liberty, or give me death." My natural inclination is to say "Screw with me at you peril." I am willing to fight for freedom. I am more than willing to kill anyone who deliberately stands between me and freedom. But reason tells me that fighting is the opposite of freedom. The necessity of going into battle means I can't spend my time as choose. It means that everyone involved is spending time and resources that could have been used to generate wealth and prosperity. It means the possibility of being killed, or, possibly worse, being defeated, and having the bounds of liberty constrained for a few more generations. > >So I suppose we are supposed to honor those in U.S. history who were involved in the scheme to rob us of our freedom. These sacred idols are not to be challenged. > I honor no such person. I hold in contempt each and everyone of those socialist tyrants. I despise Abraham Lincoln especially. Winners write history, and it is sickening to see how Lincoln is revered by black people in America. Lincoln offered to guarantee the institution of slavery forever if the Southern States would rejoin the Union. Lincoln was a warmonger and mass murderer. You can read an excellent essay comparing him to V.I. Lenin at: You can read about the tyranny of the central governments of both the Confederacy and the Union in "Emancipating Slaves, Enslaving Free Men" by Jeffrey Hummel. As far as I am concerned, both governments were evil. My mother had one great-grandfather who fought for the Union, and one who fought for the Confederacy. That's enough. I'm not a Yankee, and I'm not a Confederate. I am not going to refight that war. There were no winners. The stage is set for liberty, not only here in Texas, but in countries all over the world. The Soviet Union collapsed under its own weight. Most of the former Soviet satellites didn't have a clue about what to do with their new independence. I have heard about secessionist stirrings in California and New England. I read that a bill to secede was introduced in the Montana legislature after the Brady Bill was passed. Canada has secessionist movements afoot in Quebec and the Western Provinces. The drive for freedom will soon reach critical mass, and there will be no stopping it. When the satellites of the USA achieve independence, we will be able to offer the world a better example of what to do with our freedom. During World War II, Hitler made more than a dozen plans to invade Switzerland. Switzerland was a country of 4 million people completely surrounded by 150 million people hostile to its existence. But no invasion was mounted, and the Swiss remained free, because the Swiss were neutral, they traded with both sides, and they were willing to fight to the death of the last man, with absolutely no surrender. Robert Heinlein said that an armed society is a polite society. We need to be well armed and proficient with our weapons. We also need to be polite and peaceful, and maintain an attitude of goodwill as we go about our business of living free. Our success will advance the cause of freedom throughout the world. David Neilson !```````````!```````````````````````> ! ! Texas > ! * |-----------------------> ! ! Independence > !...........!.......................> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------