The UN, World Dominion, and Free States An Interview with Gene Karl of FINE by Carlo Stagnaro Loving the United Nations (UN) is difficult for those whose first love is Liberty. As Murray Rothbard argued, government is evil in itself, and World Government (the real goal of the UN) is absolute evil. All that said, it isn't possible to pretend that global organizations don't exist, and thus won't be around to infringe upon our natural right to Life, Liberty and Property. Unfortunately, the UN's activity is wide and pervasive: we have seen Kofi Annan and his comrades show their true faces during recent wars all around the world. The UN is pursuing a world peace where individual rights don't exist. We have discussed this with Gene Karl of Georgia. A Christian and a Libertarian, Mr. Karl is a freedom fighter who heads the Anti-Federalist Society. More importantly, Mr. Karl has recently decided the UN monopoly cannot be accepted: thus he founded the Free Independent Nations of Earth (F.I.N.E.), a sort of embryo of what a peaceful alliance among nations could and should be. Why don't you like the UN? Isn't it the most important means of maintaining world peace? My views on the United Nations? The United Nations is bent on world domination and to me that means constant war, strife, high taxes, standing armies, and financial interests using governments as tools for their own financial gains. It is a war of the elite criminals of the world against the honest hard working people. I am ashamed of the united [sic] States' actions in Kosovo and Serbia under NATO. I choose not to be a united States citizen even though I live in Georgia, North America. The Republic of Georgia is my country and our government is embodied in a new constitution still being drafted. See According to many studies, those who founded the UN (including its first Secretary General, Alger Hiss) were Communists or Communist spies. What does that mean? First, a news item: Jury Finds Hiss Lied in His Denial of Aiding Spies "NEW YORK--Alger Hiss was convicted of perjury today. The jury's verdict branded him a traitor to his country and stripped him of a brilliant, hard-won reputation. "Hiss, a Yalta aide to President Roosevelt, was found guilty of lying in his denial that he sold out his once-high State Department office to prewar Communist spies.... "The jury's double-barrelled guilty finding upheld the story of Chambers, who was Hiss' chief accuser. Throughout two long, dramatic trials, it was [Whittaker] Chambers' word of Communist intrigue against Hiss' cool, stubborn denial.... "During both trials the defense branded Chambers a chronic liar, a petty little man voicing ridiculous charges against a brilliant lawyer and Government servant." Source: Albuquerque Journal; Jan. 21 & 22, 1950 It's true. It means that these men are connivers and using government as tools to rob people of their God-given Rights for their own material gain. So, do you really think the UN is pushing the world towards global socialism? Most definitely. All you have to do is read the UN charters. The very words in those documents lay the groundwork for world socialism and domination, turning our God-given Rights into privileges and subjecting them to the jurisdiction of legislation. How should a libertarian act in the face of this? First and foremost, THINK and understand that if your country is passing 'laws' that violate your God-given Rights, then you do NOT live in a Republic where Freedom and Liberty and God's Laws reign supreme. If this is the case, then you have the Right to draft your own Constitution to eliminate these criminals from your government that you hold allegiance to. Ratification is confirmation of a voidable act. You can continually improve your Constitution as time goes on. Democracy operates from the position of 'might makes right' while the majority imposes their will on the minority. By taking your allegiance away from the government that was set up and supported by the majority, you have a Right to establish a government of your own choosing, just as they have done; even more of a Right, because by setting up a Republic, your government isn't as inclined to violate the God-given Rights of the individual as theirs is. By rallying behind your new constitution, promoting it, and gathering supporters, you are perhaps utilizing one of the few peaceful strategies that could possibly win your Freedoms. I recommend using any of the constitutions found at the following website to be used as a model for any young budding patriot who wishes to draft his own constitution because these constitutions recognize that legislatures should not have the power to legislate away our God-given Rights. This is why you decided to found FINE. What are FINE's goals? The FINE idea came about when Vice-President (now President) Dan Miller and Bernard Grover, Secretary of State of the Republic of Texas applied for membership in the UNPO to help the Republic of Texas become recognized as a "Sovereign Nation" by as many as 55 countries. The UNPO, Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation, is an international organisation created by nations and peoples around the world, who are not represented as such in the world´s principal international organisations, such as the United Nations. Like the UN, it sounds good on the surface, but when you look into it deeper you see that the UNPO also wants member nations to recognize the so-called right of governments to take away the God-given Rights of the individual. They do this in their UNPO Convenant, Title II, Article 5 where they say: Title II Provisions Governing Participation Article 5 Participation is open to all Nations and Peoples who are not adequately represented at the United Nations and whose Representative Body, as defined in Article 6 of this Title, fulfils all requirements set out in this Title and declares: a) Belief in the equality of all Nations and Peoples and in their inalienable right to self determination; b) Adherence to the internationally accepted human rights standards as laid down in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; And we all know that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights declares that our God-given Rights are actually 'rights', meaning a privilege that can be legislated and compromised away by the government. Therefore, the UNPO, like the United Nations is an unsatisfactory forum for a world community of nations. So the idea of Free Independent Nations of Earth (FINE) was born. FINE is totally unlike the UN or the UNPO in that its basic goals are to provide a forum for the world community of nations to develop in a spirit of true Freedom and Liberty where the God-given Rights of the individual are truly recognized and protected instead of legislated away. There are two way to join FINE: as a Christian nation and as a libertarian nation. Why? Well, not all nations have a Christian heritage. Even nations that do have Citizens that may not be Christian. Some member nations may object to being classified as Christian and may want to choose instead a Libertarian classification to more closely represent their ideas of Freedom and Liberty. Christian nations however can strive to uphold the Laws of God found in the Holy Scriptures, which in my opinion are better at defining our true Rights given to us by our Creator. Nations classified as Libertarian can, however, strive to gauge their customs and laws of their nations and constitutions against the Libertarian ideas of Freedom and Liberty which differs a little from the Holy Scriptures but is very similiar. Does FINE recognize, and does it promote, the secession rights of the "peoples without government"? And what's the difference between you and similar organizations, like UNPO? Free Independent Nations of Earth (F.I.N.E.) is an international organization created by Freedom- loving nations and peoples around the world, who are not represented as such in the world´s principal international organizations, such as the United Nations. Founded on August 1, 2000, to replace both the United Nations and the UNPO (Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation), and all of their associated power structures, and associated costs in many terms such as money, lives, and Freedom, Free Independent Nations of Earth offers an international forum for occupied nations, indigenous peoples, minorities, and even oppressed majorities who currently struggle to regain their lost countries, preserve their cultural identities, protect all of their God-Given Rights and economic Rights and safeguard their homelands. FINE is completely different from the United Nations. The UN was born with plans for it to become a One World Government, and its goals include a One World Army, minding other Nations' business that really shouldn't concern them, deprivation of God-given Rights in exchange for enforcement of governmental privileges (so-called 'human rights'), and United Nations/NATO intervention by force all around the world. Instead, FINE fights for national (and individual) sovereignty, and its only means to encourage member nations to behave Lawfully is the threat of expelling them from the organization. Every nation does what they think best, but as a more peaceful means of seeking redress of grievances and fighting for God-given Rights, other than war, FINE can expel wrongful governments from the organization, expose their wrong doing, and promote a trade boycott against them. Moreover, FINE will promote for members the individual Right not to pay unjust taxes, the individual Right to keep and bear arms and the individual Right to free speech, as well as all of their God-given Rights. The UN is supporting precise policies, like big government, gun control, preservation of territorial integrity of all the states (except those states who seem not to accept its rule) and so on. Will FINE do the same? Absolutely not. FINE promotes establishment and growth of nations and coaches them to find ways to promote Freedom and Liberty in their countries and to protect the Right to Life, Liberty and Property of their Citizens. FINE encourages smaller, less intrusive government structures while promoting exceptional Citizenship and marksmanship. Territorial integrity can be an illusive thing when defined by government. Often when territorial boundaries are tightly controlled, the lives of the people suffer. Only by letting free markets operate and stabilize can integrity be earned and won. What kind of bonds will FINE put between the member nations? Bonds of friendship, cooperation and true and lasting peace and prosperity. The main thrust of FINE is The F.I.N.E. Treaty - A Compact of God-given Rights. The F.I.N.E. Treaty is a much better treaty than the Covenant offered by the UNPO (Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation). Within The F.I.N.E. Treaty you will see no entanglements with the communist inspired United Nations, its deceptive 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights', or its crimen falsi inspired 'International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights'. Instead, within The F.I.N.E. Treaty you will see a very basic outline of proper government principle embodied within its foundation. The basic tenet of The F.I.N.E. Treaty is that crime be properly defined by government constitutions, statutes, laws, and regulations as follows: Crime (the proper definition): A positive or negative act in violation of the God-given Rights of a man, woman, or child, both born and unborn, yet conceived. Instead of improperly defined as: Crime (the incorrect definition): A positive or negative act in violation of penal law; an offense against the State or government. By encouraging governments around the world to make this one basic change in their legal systems, major tyrannies and imperialist nations around the world should begin to feel surrounded. Hopefully, they will come out with their hands up. Finally: can peoples, whose independence hasn't been recognized yet as such, join FINE? And, what are your expectations for FINE's future? Of course they can. That is one of the primary purposes of FINE. FINE ACTIVITIES FINE does not represent the people; it assists and empowers them to represent themselves more effectively. To this end, FINE provides much needed professional services, education and training in the fields of diplomacy, international and God-given Rights Law, true Republic processes and institution building, Common Law education, Libertarian education, conflict management and resolution and environmental protection. Assistance by FINE enhances activities by indigenous and other unrepresented free and independent nations of Earth. Hence, the name, Free Independent Nations of Earth. NON VIOLENCE Many groups turn to violence out of frustration at the refusal or inability of the international community or particular governments to listen, let alone respond, to their concerns. By demonstrating the effectiveness of non-violent strategies and actions, FINE members hope that their organization may succeed in reducing the use of violence throughout the world. Expectations for FINE's future? It is very possible that FINE becomes a major force in the world for Freedom, Peace and Prosperity. It will become what the people of the world make it. The organization is designed so that it will have a life of its own and continue on without me or any one individual nation if it has to. The concept is there. The design is there. FINE may reinvent itself in many forms and call itself by different names, but the people of the world are awake and can see the real difference between false governments that claim that ALL CRIMES ARE AGAINST THE STATE, and true governments that understand that CRIMES are in actuality against the victim and that the people truly have Rights endowed to them by their Creator. So FINE will never die even though it has just been conceived. I am very excited that the Department of State of the Republic of Texas is also organizing member nations into the North American Coalition for Freedom and Independence (NACFI). In North America, the Republic of Texas is the most organized Republic and they provide strong leadership for the rest of us other fledgling Republics, so it is great that is also getting off the ground. For more information on NACFI, please contact: Bernard Grover, Secretary of State, Republic of Texas, NACFI and FINE should work very well together. Eventually they may become one organization, but maybe not because each part of the world does seem to have its own set of common attributes, whether it be geographical boundaries, languages, units of measure, customs, etc. NACFI and FINE working separately and together can provide a strength that would not be there if either simply existed on its own. All we have to do now is promote them both, as you are now doing. Carlo Stagnaro's email address is from The Laissez Faire City Times, Vol 4, No 44, October 30, 2000